Intuitive Mediumship I

Presented by Susanne J. Wilson, MPA

The Carefree Medium and Intuition Educator

Beginners are encouraged - All Are Welcome

How would you like to receive clearly explained intuitive medium tools from a down-to-earth teacher?

No prior training or experience is necessary!

Hold your spot!

We are currently accepting a deposit to hold your place, here. The course will begin on Wed, June 4th and meet for 7 weeks. [We’ll take a break on July 2nd for Independence Day.]

Shine Your Light!

  • Practice making your own connections with your spirit loved ones and guides.

  • Experience methods to attune to the voice of your higher self.

  • Begin to realize more inner peace and balance in your daily life, at home, work, and in your quiet time.

  • Experiment and have so much fun trying out what it’s like to give and receive brief messages and intuitive insights.

Included in the Course

7 ninety-minute online course sessions.

All of the course sessions are presented LIVE, never prerecorded.

Afterwards you will have all the replays, transcripts, and notes to download and keep for future reference.

This is the perfect space to allow your intuitive abilities to unfold in a relaxed and compassionate way.

Who this is for!

  • Those who are curious about building a connection with their own loved ones in spirit and guides.

  • Those who wonder whether they have a calling to one day become a professional intuitive, medium, or energy healer.

  • Professionals who would like a refresher course with Susanne and her community.