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The Carefree Medium
Hi, I’m Susanne!
Whether you’ve long known me as the Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator, or you’re here for the very first time—welcome!
My professional bio will tell you all about my accolades as a paranormal presenter, researcher, and teacher, but I wanted to use this space to share a little more intimately about who I am, how I got here, and how I can help you!
I’ve worked as a professional medium for a long time now, helping people connect to their loved ones in spirit, and, ultimately, to realize that love never dies and death is only a graduation toward more life. But my primary passion, that I’m thrilled to step into more and more each day, is teaching others to connect to the world of spirit themselves—because everyone can.
Yep, everyone.
Did you know that I have certified and mentored only five Certified Mediums?
I couldn’t be more proud of them! They each studied with me for years. Learn more about Barbara, Diane, Ivory, Laurie, and Suzie on my Certified Mediums page.
I envision a day, in the near future, when everyone will be consciously intuitive and all will directly connect with their guides and beloved people and pets who live in the spirit world. As the Intuition Educator, teaching people to trust their intuition, connect directly to their guides and spirit loved ones, and live an empowered life is my purpose.
So, what’s my story?
Beginning in early childhood, I could see spirit lights and auras around people. Over the years, I developed my abilities with mentors. However, my spiritual gifts were a closely guarded secret because I wanted to fit in and lead a normal life!
Still, during that closeted time I was able to be my true woo self with one person, my favorite person: my granddad. A protestant minister, he was my first and most important mentor. From my early days with him, I spent years learning how to clearly communicate with the spirits of deceased people and pets as well as other beneficial spiritual beings such as guides and angels.
But then, of course, the real world hit and I dove in head first! I earned a master’s degree in public affairs policy (MPA) from Notre Dame de Namur University, graduating summa cum laude, and a bachelor’s degree in management, graduating with honors, from Saint Mary’s College. I also received certifications from Stanford University’s school of professional training. I accomplished a successful career in university administration holding management positions at Stanford University and as a director at a Florida university’s center for leadership and innovation in the College of Business.
I then joined the private sector, where I held a corporate human resources position for a Fortune 100 company while, at the same time, being a successful wine and spirits retail entrepreneur. (Fun fact: I am actually a certified specialist of wine (CSW)! So, when I say I “know all about wine and spirits” there is a double meaning!)
Profound Awakening
In 2007, everything changed when I left my body during a severe allergic reaction. Experiencing near death was my big wake-up call and invitation to commit to my soul’s purpose. Ultimately, this near-death event changed my mind about what matters most in life and after life. Yet it wasn’t all smooth sailing just yet...
For a while after this profound awakening, I experienced a deep depression, feeling as though I didn’t fit into this world after experiencing near death—something I would later learn isn’t at all uncommon. Plus, I was confused about how to integrate my profound awakening into my otherwise mainstream material life. After all, transitioning from the corporate world to the spiritual one is quite the metamorphosis! Once I finally accepted my purpose as a spiritual medium and teacher, the path cleared before me and I went all in.
Based in Carefree, Arizona, I first became known as the Carefree Medium and, more recently the Intuition Educator. In addition to my traditional degrees, I am a college-trained and certified hypnotherapist. I am also a founding Board Member Emeritus of the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, as well as its founding director of mediumship education and research and a co-organizer of its conferences.
Today, as my journey leads me more toward teaching others, I’m also known as the Intuition Educator. I find the most joy in researching and teaching on a wide range of paranormal topics through live and video streaming mentoring and courses.
Oh, and in my free time, you ask? Well not that I have much of it, thanks to spirit’s busy schedule for me! When I do have it, I enjoy walking, piano, and traveling, especially tuning into the memories in locations.
Whether through my classes, membership community, or client services , if you’re ready to connect with your spirit team and live a more empowered life, I can’t wait to meet you!
Susanne J Wilson